Public Docs 00

4 Justice Radio provides documents to explain 

our investigations into issues affecting poor and 

under-served communities in the United States,  


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FACT SHEET:  How the Justice Department Enables AT&T to Discriminate against Black Customers

FACT SHEET:  How the Justice Department Enables AT&T to Discriminate against Black Customers

Date:  07-06-2023

Topic:   00 Discrimination

Title:   How the Justice Department and AT&T Discriminate against Black Customers

Report ID:   4JR-00-FCT-USP-060723 

Pages:  2

TAGS:    US Government,  Justice Department,  Title VI Civil Rights Violations,   federal funding,  AT&T,  Telephone Service,  Racial Discrimination,  Disability Discrimination

REPORT TO PRESIDENT BIDEN:  On Violations of the  Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI by Your Agent AT&T

REPORT TO PRESIDENT BIDEN:  On Violations of the  Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI by Your Agent AT&T

Date:  07-06-2023

Topic:  00 Discrimination

Title:   On Violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI by Your Agent AT&T

Report ID:   4JR-00- RPT-USP-060723

Pages:  8 (Includes Fact Sheet)

TAGS:    US Government,  Justice Department,  Title VI Civil Rights Violations,   federal funding,  AT&T,  Telephone Service Denial,  Racial Discrimination,  Disability Discrimination,  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) violations, Federal Connectivity Program violations